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EARNHIVE REVIEW (Legit or Scam?) ₦1000 Discount Registration,How EARNHIVE Works, Coupon Code, Registration & Earnings) – Legitupdate

EARNHIVE is an online platform which offers you the opportunity to learn and earn from your phone, without having to refer anyone. You earn ₦700 daily for carrying out simple tasks. You also earn affiliate bonus of ₦3,500 for each person you refer, as well as other bonuses.

In this EARNHIVE review, we’ll discuss on “how EARNHIVE works”, how to register/sign up, how to earn & withdraw and it’s legitimacy( that is, if EARNHIVE is legit or scam). Make sure you subscribe to the Popup on this website so we can notify you in the future when a new website is about to launch. And if you already know how EARNHIVE works, you can Click Here to get a discount registration now.




In every developing country including Nigeria, there will always be a desire to earn more than the norm. This is as a result of inflation in economy, yet standard salaries. In fact, according to studies, people who live off salaries tends earn more than salaries owners in most sectors. While earning your salaries isn’t bad at all, it won’t also be bad if you had a side hustle; probably one that you could manage with your already owned Job simultaneously. One popular side hustle has to do with making money online.

In recent times people are earning 6figures off TikTok, YouTube, Crypto, Forex, Affiliate/Network marketing etc. It is also interesting to note that some websites offers to pay you for performing simple tasks online such as following brands or liking and sharing their contents across social media. One of those websites is what we want to talk about in this article today.

This EARNHIVE review is important because it will help you have a foresight of what this platform is all about before deciding on wether to get registered or not. Therefore, throughout this article you’ll come to know everything about EARNHIVE. I implore y’all to give attention to every details that will be given out in this review. Now let’s begin by looking at how EARNHIVE works and it’s benefits.





About EARNHIVE (How EARNHIVE Platform Works)

EARNHIVE is a legit online platform which pays her members for sharing daily trends. In a day you earn ₦700 without referring anyone. In a month that’s ₦21,000.

Upon Registering on this platform, you receive a welcome bonus of 2000 naira instantly and you also get amazing rewards for referring. But Referring isn’t compulsory on EARNHIVE. However, It can actually maximize your income. For example, you’ll earn ₦3,500 for each person you refer, you earn Indirect bonus of ₦300 each time your downlines Refer others, and second indirect referral bonus of ₦100 when their downlines refer others as well.

Asides daily earning you also get to learn and aquire topnotch skills and even start making money off it. And EARNHIVE gives you the opportunity to market your products on their Platform as a registered member.

To Benefit from EARNHIVE, all you need is a one time registration fee of ₦3500. Note that the normal Registration Fee for this platform is ₦4500, but if you register through the link on this post you get a ₦1000 discount. Click Here to get your discount now.






Anyone can register. Whether young or old, male or female. Infact EARNHIVE is Not only for Nigerians but Ghanaians, Cameroonians, Togolese , Ugandans, and Kenyans can also Join EARNHIVE.
This platform chose to focus on only one package so it can meet the needs of every members. EARNHIVE has followed the trend of accommodating several African countries. That too is encouraging.

EARNHIVE Is Launching on 5th August 2023. And this platform is aimed at rewarding members for surfing the internet and their convenience.





(EARNHIVE review)

EARNHIVE is a platform that pays you for doing simply tasks online like sharing post or following brands on Social media. Members can earn a minimum of ₦700 per day. This earnings can also be withdrawn to your bank account every month.

EARNHIVE are able to pay members through revenue earned on their websites. These revenues comes in ways of ads like Google adsense and adsterra, as well as sponsored contents. This way, members who can’t refer can get paid without hassles.

Before you can start making money on EARNHIVE you need to become a member by signing up with a one time registration fee of ₦4500, or ₦3500 if you are registering with the discount link in this post. After registration you can start making money from carrying out your daily assigned tasks.




(How To Join EARNHIVE)

EARNHIVE registration fee is only paid once which you’ll pay through buying coupon code and then using it for registration. The coupon code therefore makes up for your registration fee.

To begin, click Here to buy a coupon code or to get your discount registration and head towards registration:

Note: Without the coupon code, one can’t sign up. That’s why you need to buy the coupon code first before registration. Your one-time coupon code payment makes up for your registration fee and you won’t have to pay any amount again.

Ensure to you follow these registration steps accurately, mentioned above. If you are having difficulties signing up, click Here to chat me on WhatsApp.



(how to purchase EARNHIVE coupon code)

EARNHIVE coupon code makes up for your registration fee and you won’t have to pay any money again after buying a coupon code for EARNHIVE registration. To Buy the coupon code Click Here now.



(How To Earn On EARNHIVE)

To earn money on EARNHIVE all you need to do is to login to your account daily to earn ₦300 and perform tasks to earn ₦400 everyday as well. The tasks may differ each day but always very easy. If you need to earn more than the above mentioned amount then you can showcase your network skills by referring people to join. Remember, it’s never compulsory to refer.

Each EARNHIVE sponsored post would always come with its Instructions daily on how to earn through it. Do well to follow through so as to earn. If you’re the type who can’t refer people then this platform is for you! You can earn up to ₦21,000 monthly salary on EARNHIVE by just doing simple tasks.




  • Referal Bonus: ₦3500
  • Indirect Referal: ₦300
  • 2nd indirect Bonus: ₦100

Amazing, right?! However, you must note that referral is not compulsory. Meaning that you don’t need to refer before you cashout.



You can Login to EARNHIVE with your username and password you used in creating your account with during registration.





(When and How To Withdraw/Cashout & Minimum Withdrawal)

EARNHIVE referral bonus withdrawal takes place every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with a minimum of two Referals. While non-referral earnings can be Withdrawn anyday upon reaching the minimum withdrawal of ₦20,000.

Meeting the minimum threshold or amount to withdraw is the first requirements for withdrawal. Next, Login to your dashboard, tap on “Cashout” button and enter amount you wish to withdraw. Hit the withdrawal button when you are done filling out the required info. You’re supposed to receive alert between 0-48hrs after withdrawal.

Note: Make sure your bank account aligns with your given names you’re using before placing withdrawal.



Below here are proofs of payments for EARNHIVE:






(EARNHIVE review)

Yes. EARNHIVE is legit. So far EARNHIVE has proven to be legitimate given the background check of the CEO. There’s no reason to claim otherwise. So we can safely say that EARNHIVE is safe. If you’re ready to register click here now to get a discount registration.

If you have personally benefited from EARNHIVE platform, please drop a positive review below in the comment section in order to encourage others.



No. EARNHIVE isn’t a scam. A platform can be said to be a scam it fails to live up to its promise of paying the members. So far that hasn’t happen on EARNHIVE. Therefore, EARNHIVE isn’t scam. If in any way it stops paying, we’ll ensure to let you know about it.







EARNHIVE Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Question: When was EARNHIVE launched?

Answer: EARNHIVE is Launching on 5th August 2023.


Question: What are the payment methods available on EARNHIVE?

Answer: Bank transfer is the only available payment method.


Question: It is compulsory to refer someone on EARNHIVE before getting paid?

Answer: No


Question: Whom is EARNHIVE for?

Answer: EARNHIVE is available for all those living in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Togo, Uganda, And Kenya.


Question: How long will EARNHIVE last?

Answer: There is no certain time. But i believe it will last for long.


Question: How can i register on EARNHIVE?

Answer: To register on EARNHIVE simple click here and follow up with the given Instructions.


Question: How can i refer/register someone on EARNHIVE?

Answer: Follow the same steps you took while you registered, but this time making use of your referral link.


Question: Where can i find my referral link?

Answer: You can find your referral link on your dashboard after registration and logging into your account.


Question: I placed withdrawal but I’ve not been paid yet. Why?

Answer: EARNHIVE will pay you between 0-48hrs after requesting for withdrawal.






From this review, we’ve been able to explain to you how EARNHIVE works, if it’s legit or scam, how to register and make money, etc. We have been able to answer a lot of questions you were probably thinking about.

We can always assist you to register on EARNHIVE should incase you find it confusing or complex, though it’s not. We’re available on WhatsApp 24/7. Click here to chat us now for registration.

Continue visiting for more reviews and make money online updates!



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